We quit Agadir this morning and headed to Marrakech via Essaouira via some supposedly spectacular waterfalls and a valley called 'Paradise Valley'. This sounded like being a good day. On the websites last night, there had been some chat about a strike affecting fuel deliveries in Morocoo but we couldn't see any problems in Agadir so decided to ignore the issue. Paradise valley is a magnificent canyon witha strip of lush green running the length of it.
Sadly, if you want to see the spectacular falls, you need to turn up in January or February when there is some water to fall. In the British Isles, the falls that were on display would certainly merit an honorable mention in the tourist guide, but for Morcco, the dribble that was on show was a real tease. Look carefully at the pictiure and see the big water eroded rocks to see what can be on show when the rains come. Apparently, this little effort is 'managed' to keep some water flowing as much of the water is held back and used for irrigation further upstream.
These two get an honorable mention for being the only hassle free souvenir vendors on the way up to the falls. Some of the guys are a real pain but this fellow and his son were great so they got my business.
We headed on to Essaouira via a piste along the coast which mostly ran along the clifftops but decended to cross the odd river. Essaouira only got a very brief visit because we were pushed for time. It had a nice friendly feel to the place and will get a visit next time. We pushed on to Marrakech past the entire Moroccan police service who seemed to be on speed patrol on the road all the way there. No tickets but plenty of knowing smiles & waves.
Distance 392km
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