We Quit Fes and headed north for Tangier. On the way we passed this field of Poppies and I guess at least the red dye used in the Tanneries must be natural. The northern part of the country is incredibly colourful this time of year. Everything is in bloom. And a lot of things are producing pollen so the inside of my helmet is a bit slick with sneeze at the moment. We stopped for a coffee, and a bee proceeded to clean my velcro of the amassed pollen. Helpful little chap couldnt be persuaded to go.
With all the bloom, comes all the insects. Richard shows his collection off at Tangier. Most of them seem to be yellow inside.
And here is mine. Note, not all of them were collected in the past 24 hours....just the majority. Ever since I washed the bike in that river, my collection was pretty sparse.
Africa and Europe are separated by a 35 minute fast ferry here and so very quickly it was goodbye Morocco, Tagine, Couscous and Dhirams and hello Spain, decent wine, pork and Euro. I forgot how much I missed a good old tasty pig flesh. Pizza without pig is not the same. We headed north to Vejer where richard quickly located a Moroccan restaurant in town which I quickly vetoed. Somehow, paying 4 times the cost for the same stuff you were eating for lunch in hard to take. We settled on the 'Menu del Dia' in the local eatery serving real brown spanish food.
Distance 331km
View Fes-Tangier 21042009 in a larger map
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